Menopause Care for
California and Utah
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If you are anywhere in California or Utah, you can book a menopause appointment with me.
All visits are telehealth.
Individualized risk assessment and shared decision making about hormones.
Unhurried personalized menopause care in California and Utah.
Telehealth appointments for new patients can be booked by
click below to request an appointment or
email me: or
text me: 310-695-3224
Menopause Care Practice Structure
Midlife health can feel like navigating a maze where the next best step is not always clear.
Are you looking to understand how to age gracefully? Are you ready to learn how to best care for yourself so you can sleep better, feel more grounded, and be able to find joy in your day to day?
Unhurried visits provide you the opportunity to identify priorities, get questions answered, and collaborate to make a care plan.
At HeyElli Midlife Health, the goal is to support you, to help decrease suffering, and help you feel better now. We use the most up to date evidence and expertise to guide you through the midlife maze.
You will leave your visits with clear steps to take to feel better immediately, and longterm goals that will benefit your overall health. Hormonal and non-hormonal treatment therapies are available.
Menopausal hormone therapy is individualized for each patient. A hormones first approach is a highly effective foundation for your midlife health journey. Food, movement, and mindset can follow once you start to regain your resilience and improve sleep and rest.
When starting hormones for the first time, most patients require 2 to 3 visits in the first few months. We work together closely until you are comfortable with the correct dosing and type of hormones that help you feel your best. Many clients enjoy regular check ins for support around their health goals.
Comprehensive compassionate care cannot be hurried.
All visits are one hour in length and include assessment of your overall health - labs, movement, mindset, nutrition. We used shared decision making so you will easily understand your risk factors, set goals, and make practical achievable steps towards your optimal health.
HeyElli is a self - pay practice and payment is expected at the time of your visit. At this time we do not charge a membership or concierge fee.
All sessions are one hour in length.
Telehealth session fee $365.
In person session fee $450.
Fee covers your visit and texting follow up.
You will be provided with a superbill following your visit.
A $150 deposit is required for all new patient appointments. If you need to reschedule please provide as much time as possible - there are many people who would like to get in immediately. ​
HeyElli Midlife Health Services
Expert Personalized Menopause Care - Consultation Based Practice
HeyElli is a consultation based practice. We do not replace your primary care provider. We offer specialized expert knowledge about perimenopause, menopause, and postnatal depletion. We offer prescription hormones and medications, lifestyle advice, and support for women navigating midlife and beyond. You may bring your most recent labs or we can order labs for you. A shared decision making approach means together we evaluate your individual situation, history, and risk factors, educate you about your options, and support you to choose therapies that make sense for your individual situation. We can collaborate with your primary care provider to ensure coordination. Mid-life is a journey. Your body will continue to change for years as you go through perimenopause. Once you are post menopause, the storm will settle and many people will feel better. We will partner with you to navigate lifestyle changes, titrate medications, and tweak your approach to keep you feeling your best. Expert personalized modern midlife care.
Perimenopause Evaluation and Treatment
It's more than just hot flashes! Perimenopause can last anywhere from 2 to 14 years. For most people, this is a time of dramatic hormonal fluctuations that can make you feel that your body has betrayed you and you are losing your mind. All of a sudden, many of the things you do to take care of yourself don't work anymore. Many people don't realize that estrogen receptors are throughout the body and affect many body systems. Disruption in sleep, mood, sex, brain function, and temperature regulation are the most common complaints. Hormonal and other therapies can help smooth this transition. Come visit. Let's talk about your options.
Postmenopause Care
Menopause is that moment when it's been 12 months without bleeding. If we are fortunate to live long enough, we may spend 40% of our lives post-menopause. The biggest health risks for post-menopausal people are cardiovascular disease (the #1 killer of women), fragile bones and fractures, (50% of people do not recover from hip fractures), diabetes, and Alzheimers (women are â…” of all Alzheimer’s patients). What do these diseases have in common? They are all made worse by a lack of estrogen. Menopausal people on estrogen have lower rates of these diseases and all cause mortality. Sometimes clients wonder if they are too late to start hormonal therapies. This is a conversation we can have. Come visit. Let’s talk about how to support your overall health.
Postnatal Depletion Care
When we have babies in our late 30s and 40s, we often enter pregnancy and postpartum already stressed and depleted. Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum demand so much from our bodies. It is not unusual for depleted mothers to experience the overlap of postpartum and peri-menopause. Postnatal depletion can happen and can feel like never fully recovering after having babies - this can be years later. There are remedies for restoring your vitality and health and smoothing the way to peri-menopause. Come visit. Let’s talk about it.
What is a visit like?
The goal is to have you leave each visit having been listened to, feeling more informed, and with a clear plan of the next steps you are working on to feel better.
Before our first visit, you will fill out a comprehensive questionnaire about your health history, current symptoms, and goals for your well being. This lays the foundation for our first visit together.
When we meet, you may want to bring your most recent lab work so we can review it together. I will support you to understand your individual risks and options. Together we will come up with a practical step by step plan that makes sense for you.
If you choose hormone therapy, I will order what you need from the pharmacy.
Depending where you are starting when we begin working together, you will return for follow up as needed. If you are just getting started on menopausal hormone therapy, we will need to see each other 2 or 3 times in the first few months to make sure you have the dose and blend that works for you. Menopausal hormone therapy is Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone. Each of us will have a "just right" dose for each hormone depending on our individual stage of menopause.
This midlife journey can be complicated and each person faces their own personal set of challenges. In reality it may take 3 to 9 months to figure out what particular blend of hormones, nutrition, movement, and mindset will really work for you to feel all the way back to yourself and thriving. For some people it may take longer.
I'm not in menopause yet but I know it's coming! Can I see you just to learn more?
Yes - absolutely! I have many clients who come to me before they need hormonal support so they can understand how to best set themselves up for their future health. I wish I had had that knowledge myself...
Do you prescribe hormone therapy?
Yes I can prescribe you menopause hormone therapy. Many clients are looking for hormone therapy when they come to see me after having been denied access to hormones by other providers.
I'm not sure I want to use hormones. Is there anything other than hormones that I can do to feel better?
YES absolutely. I work with midlife women who do not want to use hormones. There are other remedies that can help you with symptoms.
I'm on pellets but I want to transition off of them. Can you help me do that?
Yes, for most, pellets are not a great solution for long term - they are too hard to titrate and often result in overdosing of hormones which can lead to other issues. Transitioning off pellets requires a close relationship with a provider who understands the process. I have helped many transition off pellets onto menopause hormone therapy with great results. There are many ways to get your menopause hormone therapy. If one method doesn't work for you, come see me and we can figure out the best way for your individual situation.
I have a countertop full of supplements and don't know what I should be taking to feel better. Can you help?
Yes, absolutely. There are some supplements that can really help how we feel during midlife and I will assist you to understand what the options are and what makes sense for your personal situation. Often we are so eager to feel better that we will buy something that promises something that we want, more energy, better sleep, more libido... Before you know it there's a supplement store worth of bottles on your countertop. With my clients, we will go through one by one and help you decide what to keep using and what to let go of. I am a big fan of food first in all health interventions and then supplement with just a few things that we are not likely to be able to get completely with food. Our bodies are changing in midlife. We need to adjust the way we care for ourselves in order to feel well.
Can you help me understand my labs?
Yes, we can look at your labs together so you can understand your risk profile for your lifelong health. If additional labs are needed I can order them for you.
Can you help me understand what other health practices I can be doing to feel better for this time of life and beyond?
Yes, I can help you understand the optimal ways to eat, move, and think about menopause.
Do you offer hormone therapy for trans individuals?
Not at this time but I respect and love you.
Can we talk about sex?
YES we can talk about sex!
Should I divorce my husband?
I don't know! I do know you should certainly get your hormones figured out before making any major life decisions.
Can you give me a second opinion?
Often doctor visits don’t provide adequate time for all of your questions to be addressed. I provide unbiased evidence-based information to support your decision making around your perimenopause, menopause, and postnatal depletion recovery care.
Who is Elli?
Elli is the Norse goddess of old age. She vanquished her enemy with her unexpected strength when she wrestled Thor and won. HeyElli is a call to your inner Elli and a reminder to women to find their strength. It's been there all along.
At HeyElli we love technology. HeyElli leverages the most updated technology to make your experience as smooth as possible. All of our intake forms can be easily completed on your phone, no need to download and upload just to submit your paperwork. Our goal is to make it easy to get the care and follow up with what you need.
About Me

I am a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner, a Nurse-Midwife, Lactation Consultant, Professor of Nursing, and mother to amazing daughters. I am passionate about translating research evidence into practice. I provide practical support for postpartum, perimenopausal, and menopausal people in mid-life and beyond.
My own perimenopause health challenges led me to a deep dive into the evidence. Taking the Menopause Society certification exam was the obvious next step and HeyElli, a modern menopause practice was born.
As a Yale graduate, I am obsessed with reading evidence. As a clinician with over 27 years of experience, I am a life long learner and I enjoy bringing both the art and the science of modern menopause care to my clients.
My clients want to live vibrant active lives and appreciate a personalized approach. I practice what I preach and love to share and inspire my clients to greater love and care for themselves.
"Midwifing menopause" means providing education about options, hormone balance insights, and holistic guidance around nutrition, movement, mindset, sexuality, and sleep. Shared decision making means supporting my clients to find solutions that fit for their individual situations.

Book an appointment with Sarah
Telehealth appointments for new patients can be booked by
emailing me:
or texting me: 310-695-3224